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Q: What could cause a black spot on your retna?
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What does a black spot on your eardrum mean?

A black spot on your eardrum may indicate the presence of a blood blister or a ruptured blood vessel. It could be caused by trauma, infection, or changes in pressure. It is important to have it evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Could another goldfish in the same tank contract black spot?

I am unaware of "Black Spot" being a disease of fish. So I would say no.

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it might be cause it has the dark spot of mout moon

Dead spot in accelorater on 1994 Chevy 1500 what could cause this?

Not enough vacume

What kind of dog is white with a black spot over its eye?

Sounds like a Blue Heeler, possible Border Collie/Heeler mix.

What does a black spot on your wrist indicate?

A black spot on your wrist could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a mole, freckle, or skin pigmentation. However, it's essential to have it checked by a dermatologist to rule out any potential skin issues like skin cancer.

Your hamster has a black spot near her private part is it okay?

A black spot near a hamster's private area could indicate a skin condition or injury. It's best to have a veterinarian examine the spot to determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment. Observing any changes in the spot's size, color, or appearance can also help monitor your hamster's health.

Can hamsters die from a bald spot?

Strictly speaking, probably not. However, they could die from the underlying cause of the bald spot; you should have your pet checked out by a veterinarian.

What color is cow dots?

Some cows have black spot. some have brown spots. Some times it could be a black cow with white spots.

What could be the cause of a non-painful red spot inside my cheek?

An accidental cheek bite is the most common cause of a non-painful red spot inside your cheek. This often happens when you are eating or chewing gum.

Can black spot on human body be taken as id of the said person?

black spot in the body

Have you ever heard of a West Highland Terrier having a black spot?

No. Westies should have pure white hair. A black spot could mean the dog is not a purered Westie, or there's another breed in somewhere back in the dog's line.