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Daydreaming. Such episodes are quite common. It is a form of meditation that occurs when we are concentrating on something else.

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Q: What could cause a 10 minute memory loss while driving?
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Can people lose their memory?

Yes. There are several things that could cause memory loss including disease, injury and age.

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You could have blown your tire or it could have gone flat.

Is your previous driving record probable cause for a cop to pull you over?

Your previous driving record alone is not probably cause to be pulled over. If you were driving recklessly or in violation of the law, you could be pulled over.

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If in minute amounts, then it could not pose any problem.

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One cause of loss of memory could be brain injury or trauma, which can affect the brain's ability to form or retrieve memories.

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Simple answer is the alternator

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Tire out of balance is the most likely cause. Can also be a bent wheel.

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first off i cant see how anyone could say or think for a minute that driving is a privilege it would be if someone gave me a car and paid for my gas,maintenance,tires,insurance and registration that i could see being a privilege.

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