Temperatures are taken most commonly in the mouth (orally), in the bottom (rectally), under the arm (axillary) or in the ear (tympanic). Each method is considered accurate when done correctly. Except for ear thermometers, most digital thermometers are universal, meaning you can take oral, rectal or underarm measurements. Check with your pediatrician regarding the method which is best for your child. Please note: For infants under the age of 3 months, temperatures should be taken rectally.
Unless you're a cetacean...
"For the time being, at least, we may take it that the average body temperature of Cetaceans in general is about 95.9 degrees F. -- a very low figure indeed for a mammal".
Normal temperature ranges for different body sitesUnderarm:94.5 F - 99.0°FOral:95.9 F - 99.5°FRectal:97.9 F - 100.3°FEar:96.4 F - 100.3°FChat with our AI personalities