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i dont know but i have that to. i think its infected!!:(( does it hurt when you touch it?

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Q: What could be causing the lump on my cartilage?
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Have lump and pain on upper cartilage outer ear?

This could possibly be a cyst, which is fluid filled and generally harmless

Is it okay to take out your cartilage piercing after 6 months and having a lump on it?

Yes and it will close with a lump on it.

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It is difficult to say exactly what is causing that sort of lump and pain. It is best to go see a physician who can properly diagnose the problem.

What is hard lump in palm of hand?

A hard lump in the palm of the hand could be a ganglion cyst, which is a noncancerous lump filled with fluid that often appears near joints or tendons. It could also be a bone spur or a benign tumor. If the lump is causing pain or affecting hand function, it's important to see a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Why don't birds have cartilage?

They have bones in their wings that allow them to fly, if they did not have bones, they would be a lump of skin and organs.

What is marble like lump where your Adams apple is?

It is one of the cartilages of the larynx or voice box called thyroid cartilage.

Is it bad that theres a lump under the skin in front of my ear and my ear does not drain everytime i have an ear infection and could the drainage problem be causing the lump?

I currently have a hard lump in front of my ear - has been there for a few months. i did not know that I had fluid in my ears but at the drs when I was having the lump examined - she found the fluid. I am on antibiotics right now to treat my ears. The thought my dr has is that the ear infection caused my glands to swell. If the lump does not go away after 10 days of antibiotics - I am having an ultra sound done. My lump does not hurt - but something is causing me to have a head ache ALL day long :(

Your daughter is 2 she has a lump in her inner ear which is causing pain. What is this lump?

It's a really good reason to take her to be examined by a pediatrician.

Which is held open by cartilage rings?

The trachea, or windpipe, is held open by cartilage rings. This is to prevent its being squashed closed when a lump of food travels down the adjacent oesophagus.

What would it be causing my cat to have a lump or knot on his back around his neck I have just noticed it it is about the size of a robin's egg?

it could bea cyst see a vet asap

What will happen if you have a clump in your armpit?

a clump or a lump? a lump could be an ingrown hair

You have been feeling dizzy and have a headache and could this be caused by a lump you have?

You didn't mention where the lump was. However, ANY LUMP should be checked out by your doctor. See your doctor as soon as possible. It may have nothing to do with the lump and you could have just picked up a virus or it could be a medication you are on.