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Honestly, I think you have a rare case of polar-bearitis.

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Q: What could be causing black staining from urethra?
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The stain could be caused by mold. The wood should be pressure washed and treated with a sealer. Another type of black stain in timber is caused by iron oxide. When the moisture in the timber has caused the iron in any fixings, such as nails, to rust and form ferric oxide. This is black, and this travels through the moisture in the timber causing patches of black staining.

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It could, if it's leaking.

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This could be areas of hardening or calcification around the urethra, the tube that you pee out of.

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It could be your period or an infection if you are female. If you are a guy, it could an injury or infection to your urethra.

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No. It simply doesn't work that way.

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Black residue on a black candle could indicate incomplete burning, poor quality candle wax, or impurities in the wax. It could also be due to the candle being exposed to drafts, causing uneven burning and residue.

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i think it might mean he/she is a little afraid of you. i have 2 jackson chameleons and my girl one is black. i just got her so she could be frightened causing her to turn black.

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It may be. It could also just be the metal in the ring turning black and staining your skin. My advice, take that ring out and put in a gold or sterling silver ring!

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If the smoke is black it could be caused by a faulty fuel pressure regulator which could be causing the engine to get too much fuel.

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Black scabs forming on your cat's nose could be caused by various factors such as allergies, infections, trauma, or skin conditions. It is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.