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Q: What could a small hard bump with a scab be on your head?
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Why does my cat bump his head on hard surfaces?

Bumping of the head could mean your cat isn't seeing right or could be a sign of illness, I would get a vet to look at him/her

If a guinea pig hits its head can it die?

A guinea pig can obviously die if it hits its head. They are like humans, or any other animal. A small bump probably wouldn't hurt, but if it is hard enough it could injure or kill the animal.

What is a Hard bump that has shown up on the very top of my head that does not hurt except when you push really hard on it and i have not hit my head or anything along those lines to get a bump?

Sebaceous Cyst.

What are Breast bumps?

It is hard to make a diagnosis but it could be anything from a white head to a fatty bump. If you are concerned see the doctor.

Is it bad if a bump raises after hitting your head?

A bump is not bad. It is just an area of swelling. If it was a hard blow or you passed out at all.

Its a small bump right under the head of the dick?

everyone has this.

What could this be bump on the back right side of your head its hard and very sensitive to touch your 32 weeks pregnant and get sever headachs?

It could be a tumor. You should get it checked out.

what is mean by concussion in health?

A concussion is a bump large or small on someones head when they fall, get hit by an object very hard or when they get into an altercations and someone hit them with their fist.

Bump on back of my head that just appeared for no reason it is sore hard. about the size of a quarter. It is sticking out. also I have a small pea size hard bump same side but behind my ear.not sore?

Get it checked out by a doctor as it there are a number of causes. It is possible it is a sebaceous cyst, which is very common and easily removed.

Should you see a doctor after hitting your head its got a black and blue bump?

It depends on how hard or soft you have hitted your head

What happen if you bump your head hard then feel dizzy an then throwing?

Could be a concussion, or you could be suffering from shock waves coming to and from your brain. Try squeezing your fists, and then rub your temples.Anytime you hit your head hard enough to cause dizziness and vomiting you have the possibility of a serious concussion - you should be evaluated by a physician, in person.

Raised and very tender bump on the top of the back of your head?

You have a goose egg. It happens when you smack your head on something really hard.