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A rough patch in the middle of the tongue could just be a sign of a dry mouth. Try drinking more fluids or sucking on a sugar free sweet.

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Q: What could a rough patch in the middle of the tongue be?
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When was The Rough Patch created?

The Rough Patch was created on 2009-11-09.

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What is a sentence for advice?

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Why does my tongue feel rough?

You might try a mouth wash and/or a tongue scraper.

Why does a pig's tongue have a rough texture surface?

The papillae give the tongue a rough-textured surface which allows the tongue to move food to the back of the mouth more easily.

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The Rough tongue a snail uses is named RADULA which are tiny rows of teeth.

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It's not as rough as a cat's tongue, but yes I will say you could call it a little raspy

What actors and actresses appeared in Rough Patch - 2007?

The cast of Rough Patch - 2007 includes: Camila Fiori as Clar John Glynn as Rolo Simon Stratton as Bottin

What does rough edge of the tongue mean?

The rough edge of the tongue refers to the side edges or margins of the tongue, where tastebuds are located. These areas are sensitive to taste stimulation and play a role in detecting different flavors.

What does weinis mean?

It's the little rough patch of skin on your elbow.

What are the rough bumps on a cat's tongue called?

The rough bumps on a cat's tongue are called papillae. They help with grooming and pulling meat off bones when a cat eats.

Why do they have a rough tongue?

they have large covere with hard sharp bones