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It could be a mumber of things but I advise getting checked by Dr. or medical clinic

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Q: What could a lump be about 2 inches away from the right side of your spinal cord and it hurts when you touch it?
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No reflexes in the right leg could indicate a potential neurological issue affecting the spinal cord or nerves in that area. It could be due to conditions such as nerve damage, spinal cord injury, or a neurological disorder. Further evaluation by a healthcare provider is recommended to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

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Have you given any thought to possible kidney infection? It could be a compressed disk. Mine was on the right side.

The trachea is ANTERIOR to the spinal cord?

No, the trachea and the spinal cord run parallel from about the base of the skull to the lungs. The spinal cord is superior to (above) the trachea, that means the spinal cord lies dorsally to the trachea. You could also say that the trachea is inferior to the spinal cord.When you are doing body directions on a human, you have to lay the human on his belly. Anterior is towards the head; Posterior, towards the tail end. If you are a surgeon, then left and right are your left and right while facing the patient.

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Spinal cord. It is called as reflex action.

What would the cause of tingling in my right middle finger and right foot be?

There is no telling. It could be from any number of causes. The nerves for your right middle finger and the middle of your right foot are close together in your spinal column and your brain. A problem affecting your foot or hand could affect the other or it could come from your brain. See if your shoe is too tight.

What action handled by spinal cord?

brain was right answer

What makes your spinal cord unbreakable?

The spinal cord can be broken with the right amount of force, always protect yourself

What part of the spinal cord is likely to be compressed when lost feeling in right hand?

The left side of the spinal cord.