It may be caused by a pilonidal cyst, an infection/cyst near the tailbone that fills with purulent material (pus).
Or, if no signs of redness, drainage, or swelling, sometimes people have broken their tailbones from a fall without realizing it until there is pain in that area.
Also a condition called Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction causes pain in that area.
At the top of the crack.
Cuz there black
It appears there may have been a misunderstanding. A butt crack is the top part of the buttocks that can be visible when someone is sitting or bending over. There is no such thing as a butt crack plaque.
could be a problem with your tailbone, I would get it checked out by a doctor
The top of the butt crack is known as the sacrum, which is the triangular bone located at the base of the spine. It is formed by the fusion of five vertebrae and serves as a connection point between the spine and the pelvis. The sacrum plays a crucial role in providing stability and support to the upper body and transferring weight to the lower body during movement.
It could actually be a boil, but if you are worried, then see your doctor.
Genetic remnants of a tail. While most humans aren't born with a tail, some actually have a small tail when they're born and it is usually removed before the baby is taken home.AnswerThe coccyx is the scientific name for the tail bone. The tail bone sits right at the top of the "butt crack." The coccyx is made up of a few small segments. Through an early injury or a malformation, the coccyx can present as a lump. AnswerIt could be a pilonidal cyst.
A bum crack, also known as a butt crack, is the crease between the buttocks where the top of the buttocks meets the lower back.
A hard lump on top of the shoulder could be a sign of various conditions such as a lipoma (benign growth of fat cells), a cyst, or a muscle knot. It is important to have it evaluated by a healthcare provider for a precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
That would most likely be the top ridge of one of your vertebra in your spine.
It is important for your father-in-law to see a doctor for a proper evaluation of the lump on his head. The lump could be due to a variety of causes, such as a cyst, lipoma, or skin cancer. Only a medical professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.
It is probably the vein