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Asthma causes contraction of the bronchial smooth muscle.

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Q: What conditions cause contractions of arteriole smooth muscle?
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What smooth muscle contracts produce when an artery or arteriole is damaged?

a vascular spasm

What are smooth muscle contractions?

Spindle shaped by faireena singh

What happens to blood pressure when the smooth muscle of an arteriole contracts?

When the radius of the smooth muscle decreases the pressure increases. So the blood pressure becomes higher

Which specific cell type becomes modified into a juxtaglomerular cell?

Smooth muscle of arteriole wall.

What are contract muscles?

Smooth Muscle contractions are regulated by calcium ions. The smooth muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that its contracts from all sides.

What type of muscles line the bladder to allow for contractions?

smooth muscle

Uncontrolled muscle contractions the same as skeletal muscle contractions?

Uhh, no uncontrolled muscle contraction occurs in smooth and cardiac muscles... there are many differences between these two types of muscles; controlled and uncontrolled muscle contraction.....

What process involves the contractions of smooth muscle that propel urine through the ureter?


Muscle is involuntary and has few mitochondria?

This statement is incorrect. Muscle tissue can be either voluntary (skeletal muscle) or involuntary (smooth and cardiac muscle). Additionally, muscle cells (myocytes) have numerous mitochondria to provide energy for muscle contractions.

Is basement membrane part of arteriole?

Yes. The arteriole has different layers of tissue from inside to out: endothelial layer, basement membrane, smooth muscle and then the extra cellular matrix. The basement membrane is composed of collagen and fibrillin.

The process of swallowing uses muscular contractions of muscle tissue?

Smooth for a+ kids. This means you too dom!

Potassium poisoning causes and symptoms?

Arrhthmyia of the heart, problems with smooth and skeletal muscle contractions; hyperkalemia can even stop the heart muscle.