Robert Wadlow's birth name is Wadlow, Robert Pershing.
Robert Wadlow was born on February 22, 1918.
Robert Wadlow was born on February 22, 1918.
Robert Wadlow, known as the tallest person in history, had a condition called hyperplasia of the pituitary gland. This condition caused an excess production of growth hormone, leading to his abnormally tall stature.
Robert Wadlow was born and raised in Alton IL, if that's what your asking.
Robert Wadlow was 0.0027203 km tall. 2.72034 m.
Robert Wadlow was from the United States of America. His state was Alton, Illinois.
About 40,000 people attended Robert Wadlow's funeral service.
Robert Wadlow went by The Gentle Giant, and The tallest man who ever lived.
Robert Wadlow's nickname was the "Alton Giant" or the "Giant of Illinois."
Robert Wadlow was 8'11.1" the last time he was measured.