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The ABO blood type system and the Rh (which would determine positive or negative are two different blood type antigen groups which are inherited independent of each other.

In order to be sure they child is type O, both parents must be type O. In order to be sure the child is positive, one parent must have both alleles coding for (usually big D) positive.

The ABO blood group is Co dominant. Since you inherent one allele from each parent, both parents must have at least one allele that codes for type O. If both parents contain only one allele for type O, the child has a 25% chance of being type O. If in one parent, both alleles code for type O, there is a 50% chance the child will be type O.

Much the same would true of the Rh blood group system.

A mathematician could tell you how to estimate the odds of having a child who inherits Both two O alleles and at least on Rh positve allele together.

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Yes, it is possible for two O positive individuals to have a child with A positive or A negative blood type. This is because each parent can pass on either an A or an O allele to their child, leading to a variety of blood type combinations in offspring.