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Your urine is exactly the same color. Early in pregnancy (before 12 weeks) you may need to pee little and often as the uterus presses on your bladder. After 12 weeks it rises out of the pelvis and you should be fine until the end when the babies head presses on your bladder again.

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19y ago

Your pee is the same color it always is, at least mine was. And soda is not really recommended when you're pregnant because of the sugar (which could raise your change for gestational Diabetes) and the caffiene. And Diet Soda is no good either because of the artificial sweeteners. They pretty much just want you to drink water. Good luck! Be carefull about your caffeine intake. No more than 200mg a day.(that equals about 2 cups of coffee.) Not to mention soda, chocolate, tea and other things that contain caffeine. Its something you really need to watch because it can cause birth defects.

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What color should urine be to be pregnant

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