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Q: What color eyes does Julia sheer have?
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What color are Julia Werner's eyes?

Julia Werner has hazel colored eyes.

What color eyes did Julia Child have?

Julia Child had blue eyes.

When was Julia sheer born?

Julia sheer was born on June 15 and she is 18

Is Julia Sheer famous?

Julia sheer does not yet have any records but she is avalible on itunes now and she is a bit famous on youtube

How old is Julia sheer?

she is 18

When is Julia sheer's birthday?


Who is Julia sheer boyfriend?

jimmy audiss

Is Julia Sheer's voice fake?

No,she sings naturally.

What is the duration of Julia's Eyes?

The duration of Julia's Eyes is 1.95 hours.

When was Julia's Eyes created?

Julia's Eyes was created on 2010-09-11.

Are Julia Sheer and Corey Gray dating?

If you want them to be, sorry. They have confirmed they are just friends.

What are the release dates for The Eyes of Julia Deep - 1918?

The Eyes of Julia Deep - 1918 was released on: USA: August 1918