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Veins are blue in color, they carry deoxygenerated blood which has greater absorption coefficient than the oxygenated blood that runs in artery which is mainly responsible for the blue color.

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Q: What color are veins?
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What is the color of your veins?

the color of your veins is blue

What is the color of aorta?

the color of aorta isRed. In the veins, its a deep maroon.

What color is the blood in the veins?

Some will say that the blood is blue in the veins because your veins are blue looking. This is incorrect. The blood is in fact red inside the veins, the veins just look blue due to the way the light passes through the fat and skin cells above.

How are veins connected to capillaries?

blue color

Blood in the veins is usally what color?

It is an urban myth that unoxygenated blood (in veins) is blue - it is actually dark red.

What causes green veins in your arms?

Veins as seen through tissue are normally sort of a greenish-blue color.

What is an interesting fact about the veins?

The largest vein in the body is the venae cavae. Veins are translucent so the color observed is the bloods color through the fat tissue. The veins contain 60 percent of the body's blood volume at any time.

Is dark colored blood from your veins bad?

Yes, it could be a sinister sign of a disease It could also be a increased input of blood in your veins

What is the color of the veins that are closer the surface of the body?

The blood in the veins is red, but appears to be blue, especially in older people, when seen through the skin.

Why is the color of blood is always red in color?

Blood is always red (NEVER blue) because of hemoglobin, the main factor in blood's color. Deoxygenated hemoglobin is dark red, while oxygen enriched hemoglobin is more cherry red. The common misconception that deoxygenated blood in your veins is blue stems from textbooks that show arteries in red and veins in blue for simplicity. Also, your veins appear blue through your skin because of a variety of reasons only weakly dependent on the color of the blood. Light scattering in the skin, and the visual processing of color play roles as well. If arteries were near the skin surface, they would appear blue as well. Cameras inserted in veins during medical procedures clearly show that blood in veins is red, and when drawing blood from veins in a way that doesn't expose it to the air, it is clearly a dark red color and not blue.

Why do celery sticks have veins?

The celery has veins because the veins help the celery transport nutrians throughout the plant. Have you ever done the experiment when you put a celery in colored water? The celery's veins transport the color throughout the celery. It does this because the celery's veins transport the nutrians, so it does it with the water also.

Why are the veins on the bottom of a tongue black?

The veins under the tongue often look really dark in color. The reason for this is because the skin under the tongue is very thin.