The profession of dentistry is filling cavities and performing cleaning of the mouth. It also involves teaching preventative dental health.
it might be good at this point to differentiate between the two term incisal ridge and incisal edge the incisal ridge is that portion of the crown which makes up the complete incisal portion. when and incisor is newly erupted , the incisal portion is rounded and merges with the mesioincisal and distoincisal angles and the labial and lingual surfaces. this ridge portion of the crown is called the incisal ridge. the term edge implies an angle formed bye the margin of two flat surfaces. therefore an incisal edge does not exist on an incisal until occlusal wear has created a flatten surface linguincisally, which surface forms an angle with a labial surface. the incisal edge is formed by the junction of the linguincisal surface, sometimes called the incisal surface, and the labial surface. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy Physiology and occlusion Ninth edition
Yes, resin-anterior 1 surf typically refers to a type of dental filling. It is a composite resin material used to restore small to moderate sized cavities on the front teeth (anterior). The number "1 surf" indicates that it is a filling on a single surface of the tooth.
tooth decay or cavities
Dental caries are better known as tooth decay or cavities. It is a common dental condition that occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that damage the tooth enamel, leading to the formation of holes or cavities in the teeth. It is important to prevent and treat dental caries to maintain good oral health.
"Caries" is a synonym for dental cavities. Arrested caries are cavities that have been stopped from developing further by having the appropriate dental work done on them.
In your mouth cavities are found in your teeth if you do not look after them properly, these are called 'dental cares'.
Make a dental appointment. Your dentist will definitely suck those cavities out. After that practice good dental habits to avoid having cavities and also consider regular visit to your dentists. Ft. Lauderdale, I started having dental check-ups and also quit drinking pops that are really very bad for the teeth.
The scientific name for dental cavities is dental caries. It is a common dental condition caused by bacteria in the mouth producing acids that can erode tooth enamel. if left untreated, it can lead to pain, infection, and tooth loss.
It is suggested that sugary or acidic foods cause cavities in teeth
Yes they can.
No, Lollipops and Chocolate are not the only causes of cavities. Anything that contains high amounts of sugar can cause dental caries (cavities).