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the black plauge started in itally, then spread to the whole of Europe, killing thousands were ever it went.

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Q: What city did the black plague sweep through killing thousands?
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Which city did black plague sweep through killing thousands?

This is the route in alphabetical order:AngersAthensAvignonBarcelonaBordeauxBristolConstantinople (Istanbul)DublinDubrovnikHamburgLondonMarseilleMessinaNurembergParisPisaRomeSevilleSienaValenciaVeniceYorkZurich

Which city did the black plague sweep through killing thousand?


What was it called when fleas carried by rats were killing europeans?

The answer is bubonic plaque

Which city did the black plauge sweep through killing thousands?

all through europe london, france, rome

What moved through Europe in the 1300s killing millions and stopping the desire to explore?

It was the black plague. It spread trought the ports and this caused to close the ports.

How did the black plague change things?

After the black plague many of the peasants were killed. This meant that they were in a higher demand so after the plague peasants got more rights because they were fewer.

What caused the Black Plague to cease?

The plague ceased when the great fire of London happened and finnished the epidemic in the UK by the fire killing the rats and fleas

How was the black death killing people?

The Black death was killing people by ships having rats and fleas. Then the fleas carry the plague and then the fleas go on the people and then they will get sick and die.

What was Pisa like during the renaissance?

the black plague went through killing many and changing all of Italy and Europe. war and trechary was another factor because peasants wanted more land because nobles died from the plague

Which city did black plague sweep through?

It swept through Egypt.

What was the disaster in London before the great fire of London?

The disater in London before the great fire of london, was a out break of the plague, which is also commonly known as the black death. The plague spread through London, killing many people in the year 1665.

How do people deal with the black death today?

black death affect our lives by killing us..... the plague