

Best Answer


  • grow boobs
  • get period
  • grow hair
  1. legs
  2. armpits
  3. private areas
  • get pimples


  • Voice change
  • Get pimples
  • taller
  • grow hair
  1. legs
  2. armpits
  3. private areas
  4. face
  • get pimples
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Q: What changes may happen tomale and female during puberty?
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How will you compare the changes that happen in the female's body during puberty?

The changes hit females early than to men. Also the trigger is estrogen in girls and testosterone in boys.

Why should a boy or a girl not feel bad about changes that happen to him to her during puberty?

It is a natural occurence that happens to everyone. There are many changes that will happen during puberty. It is the path that leads from childhood to adulthood. Be patient and all will become fine in the end by the time puberty has ended.

What behaveioral changes may happen to aboys ora girkls during puberty?

Behavioral changes that may happen to boys and girls during puberty, is that they may have bigger attitudes. They may struggle with self esteem, and may become rebellious.

Why it is advantageous for girl not feel bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

Girls need to feel happy and proud about what is happening to them during puberty because the changes that occur will prepare them to be adults and have a family.

How will you react on the changes the happen to you during puberty?

You have to be confident about your self. You have to remember that these changes are for the good and keep a positive attitude.

What are some nonphysical changes that happen to a body during puberty?

During puberty, there are many behavioural changes. Some people become loners while some people thrive in groups. The way of thinking also changes a lot.

Why do people feel scared before they hit puberty?

They are scared because many changes are about to happen during puberty. Also, there is the fear of the unknown

Why do all these changes happen during puberty?

Puberty is a phase where body grows rapidly in short time. This is because of the hormones that are flowing in abundance.The main changes during puberty in girls is the onset of menstruation. While in males it is increase in the size of testis and ejaculation .

What are some changes which happen during puberty?

For males, there is increase in size of testis. For females there is onset of menstruation.

What are the changes happen to the bmale and female at the age of puberty when its come to physical?

There is an increase in the size of the testis in males. There is onset of menstruation in girls.

What changes that happen during puberty are important?

The most important change is the reproductive system becoming fertile. Also there are many emotional changes .

Is there a relashionshiop between puberty and bone age development if there is may you explain?

During puberty many changes happen in the body including changes in the bones. For girls, the pelvis begins to open more and get wider.