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Oxygen levels go up while CO2 levels go down.

In the lungs, oxygen is absorbed into the blood while carbon dioxide is eliminated through exhaling.

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Q: What changes in the composition of the blood take place in the lungs?
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What is the place where oxygen enters the blood?

the lungs

What is the place where oxygen enter the blood?


Where does oxygenation take place?

Blood is oxygenated in the lungs!

What is the place were oxygen enter the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood?

The place is the same for both; the alveoli in the lungs.

How does heart purify blood with help of lungs?

Oxygen exchanges with CO2 (Carbon dioxide) to "purify" blood. This takes place in the aveoli (in the lungs) the blood is transported via blood vessels. Kidneys also purify blood

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it undergoes transformation into another rock.

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it undergoes transformation into another rock.

The function of lungs?

It is part of the reproductive system. it is the opening to the birth canal

Where in the lungs does oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse across in the lungs?

since the air in lungs have more oxygen than the blood in the surrounding, the oxygen will be difused to the blood, similerly the quantity of carbon dioxide in the surrounding blood will be more compared to that in the lungs. so again difussion takes place, thus happens the exchange. no osmosis(the exchange of water from a place with a high concentration of water to a place with low concentration of water) but there is diffusion.

Where is the place oxygen enters the blood?

Oxygen enters the blood in the alveoli of the lungs

When the right ventricle contracts where is blood push to?

When the right ventricle contracts it is pushes blood to the pulmonary arteries and to the capillaries of the lungs where exchange of gases takes place

Where does blood and oxygen exchange take place in the lungs?

in the micro air sacs