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Asthma affects the lungs because the nevs coating the inside of the lings and the windpipe becomes sensitvice and often restrict for short preriods leaving a smaller hole for the air to pass through causing the suffer to "wheeze"

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12y ago
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11y ago

Asthma is an inflammation of the linings of the trachea and the bronchial tubes. Despite this limited direct effect, the reduced oxygen levels and increased stress of an asthmatic attack affects the entire body.

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12y ago

Yep, your correct.

5+4343 Is equal to about 12 cells.

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Carbon Monoxide

Which chromosomes are affected by asthma?

All Of THEM!

Which part of the body is most affected by asthma?

Asthma affects the lungs.

Can you die from asthma by a cat?

If you get affected that way from a cat you are allergic to the cat. It has nothing to do with the asthma.

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Which organ system is involved in asthma?

your digestive, the digestive is affected because of your food that stops in your asphogus because of the swelling of the asthma

How are the cells different from healthy cells and cells that have asthma?

There is no such thing as an asthmatic cell.

What Condition is affected by other conditions?

Asthma is a condition that can be affected by other conditions such as allergies, respiratory infections, and exposure to environmental pollutants. These factors can trigger or worsen asthma symptoms.

Do asthma people have white blood cells?

Yes of course every human being have white blood cells asthma people are just having less blood cells...

How is breathing affected when one suffers from asthma or a fractured rib?


Where are most bodys affected by asthma?

Asthma is mostly found in places that are humid or windy. But, asthma can also be caused by allergies. That's what happened to me... allergy induced astma. I was diagnosed last year.