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association neurons

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Q: What cell type is not a supporting cell or glial cell of the nervous system?
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Is the schwann cell a plant cell?

No, Schwann cells are a type of glial cell found in the nervous system of animals, including humans. They play a role in supporting and protecting neurons. Plant cells, on the other hand, are the basic unit of plant structure and function.

Where in the body would you find a glial cell?

Glial cells are primarily found in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and in the peripheral nervous system. They play a crucial role in supporting and protecting neurons.

What cell accounts roughly half of the volume of the nervous system?


What is a schwan cell?

It's a glial cell which is wrapped around the axonic body of a neuron of the peripheral nervous system.

Which of these is not a type of epithelial cell Glial Squamous Columnar or Cuboidal?

Glial cells are not a type of epithelial cell. Glial cells are a type of support cell in the nervous system, while squamous, columnar, and cuboidal cells are types of epithelial cells that line surfaces and cavities in the body.

What are the 5 CNS glia cells?

The five types of glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS) are oligodendrocytes, microglia, astrocytes, ependymal cells, and radial glial cells. These cells play essential roles in supporting and maintaining the functions of neurons in the CNS.

What cell in the human nervous system whose primary function is to provide insulation and structure for neurons on which they may develop and work?

The cells in the human nervous system that provide insulation and structure for neurons are called glial cells, specifically oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. These cells produce myelin, a fatty substance that wraps around the axons of neurons to insulate and support their function by speeding up the transmission of nerve impulses.

Nervous tissue consists mainly of neurons and collagen fibers?

Actually, nervous tissue is composed of neurons, which are responsible for transmitting electrical signals, as well as glial cells that support and protect neurons. Collagen fibers are mainly found in connective tissue, not nervous tissue.

What the word glial means?

The term "glial" refers to a type of cell that provides support and protection for neurons in the nervous system. Glial cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia, and they play important roles in maintaining brain function and overall neural health.

What is another name for schwann cell?

Another name for Schwann cell is neurolemmocyte. Schwann cells are a type of glial cell that provides support and insulation to axons in the peripheral nervous system.

What term does not belong Astrocytes Neurons Oligodendrocytes or microglia?

Astrocytes do not belong, as they are a type of glial cell in the central nervous system that supports neurons, while neurons, oligodendrocytes, and microglia are all types of cells that actively participate in neural communication and transmission in the nervous system.

What is nueroglia?

Neuroglia, also known as glial cells, are a type of cell that provide support and protection for neurons in the central nervous system. They play important roles in maintaining the structure and function of the nervous system, as well as in regulating the environment around neurons.