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pulling them out.

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Q: What causes your eyes to pop out of your head?
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Can you sneeze with our eyes open?

No. Otherwise your eyeballs pop out of your head. Why not try it

Would your eyes pop out of your head if you stand on your head?

noooo!!! well when you sneeze and you dont close your eyes ... then your eyes..WILL POP OUT! so dont NEVER do that!! your eyes are made to stay is on your head. almost nothing short of gouging them out will get them out. not even sneezing with your eyes open ( I've done that). if you don't believe me about the sneezing thing, check out the mythbusters trying it. i don't know where to get the video.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'his eyes popped out of his head'?

This isn't an idiom because you can figure out what it means by defining the words. It's an exaggeration - the guy's eyes didn't literally pop out of his head, but he was opening them really wide with surprise so they looked like they were popping out.

Is karyl ramirez pretty?

Yes, but i kno a girl who can make ur eyes pop out of your head.

If you hit someone on back of their head would their eyes pop out?

Simply no, but you could make them blind.

Do your eyes pop out when you are hanged?

Yes your eyes do pop out when you get hanged

If morphine used for pain causes eyes rolling back into head is it an overdose?


When was Pop-Eyes created?

December 19, 1919 .

How do you put on your LIV dolls eyes?

there are many ways to do it but ill tell the easiest way. Just heat their head with a blowdryer until it gets squishy then pop the eyes in and move them around until they look right

Are your eyes in the center of your head?

Yes your eyes are in the centre of your head.

Can you pop your eyes out of your head?

It is possible to pop your eyes out of your head from head trauma or suffering from weak or shallow eye sockets. For peoples who eyes pop out repeatedly they can go for a surgery to get part of their eyelids sewn so the patient can no longer open their eyes far enough to allow the eye to pop out. As for taking it out yourself you would most likely need to have shallow eye sockets and weak muscles holding the eye in your head. I would not recommend purposely removing your eye as the pain would probably be unbearable and the eye, if it is even able to be "popped" back into its socket may be nonfunctional or function with very little effectiveness. If the eye is completely removed from the head(and I could be wrong here as I am only 15 and am going off logic and grade nine science) it would not be possible to put it back into the socket as all veins and muscles connecting it to the head would be severed and unable to be reconnected as well as swelling of the eye socket preventing the eye from even fitting back in.

When was Make My Head Go Pop created?

Make My Head Go Pop was created in 2001.