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Women visit the gynecologist much like people visit the dentist. The dentist makes sure everything in your mouth is okay, while the gynecologist makes sure that a woman's lady parts are okay. Women may go to the gynecologist if they are having an issue they need looked at, but also just for regular check-ups.

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Q: What causes you to see a gynecologist?
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It could be many things, you really need to see a gynecologist.

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Like, the Starting age where you go see a gynecologist is usually around 18 years old.

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You might want to check with a gynecologist. No, this is not normal. Go see the gynecologist.

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A gynecologist.

What are the benefits of a gynecologist?

Since gynecologists are gynecological condition experts, if you are having any gynecological complications, it is often best to see a gynecologist instead of a general practitioner. It will help you develop a deeper understanding of the body and how to care about it by visiting a gynecologist.

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see your gynecologist

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no, you need to go see your gynecologist

When is the best time of her cycle for a woman to see a gynecologist for an annual exam?

when not menstruating