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Q: What causes the lub sound?
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When the blood passes to the right or left ventricle a valve will close between the atrium and ventricle what sound does it create?

The closure of the atrioventricular valves causes the first heart sound. We hear this as the "lub" of the "lub DUB" heart beat.

What sound does a beating heart make?

lub dub lub dub

What causes the lub-dub sound of your heartbeat?

The 'lub' is the S1 sound. It occurs due to normal closure of the mitral and tricuspid (atrioventricular) valves. With these valves closed, systole commences and blood is actively squeezed from the ventricles. The second sound is the 'dub' or S2 sound. It occurs as the aortic (to LV) and pulmonary (to RV) valves close to prevent backflow from the blood ejected from the ventricles and marks the beginning of diastole (or filling) of the heart.

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What is ''lub dub''?

"Lub dub" is the sound the human heart makes as blood passes through it.

What causes the sound of someone's heart beat?

the closing up of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves produce the ' lub' sound while closing up of semi lunar valves produse the ' dub ' sound

What monosyllables are used to describe heart sounds?

Heart sounds are noises generated by the beating heart from the flow of blood through it. Thump, boom can be used to describe it. Lub and Dub are also used. There are other sound words that suggest problems with the hearbeat as well.

What happen to cause the lub sound?

A lub sound can occur due to lack of lubrication or friction between two surfaces. It can also indicate wear and tear on mechanical components, such as bearings or gears. If you hear a lub sound, it is essential to investigate the source to prevent potential damage.

What produces the heart sounds as heard with a stethocope?

The closing of the mitral and tricuspid valves produces the S1 sound, followed by the closing of the aortic and pulmonic valves, which produce the S2 sound. In sequence, it sounds like "lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB".

What heart sound is stronger at the apex of the heart?

First heart sound S1-LUB

The lub or first heart sound is produced by the closing of?

there are 2 sounds the heart makes. "lub-dub" the first ("lub") is when the atrioventricular valves sclose the second ("dub") is when the semilunar valves close