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The diaphragm is both a voluntary and involuntary muscle. That means that it works with and without your having to think about it. It works just like any other muscle, in that electrical impulses are sent from the brain down the spinal cord into nerves connected to it. The special thing about it, is that those signals come from two different places in the brain.

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Q: What causes the diaphragm to work?
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What causes the respiratory system to work?

the diaphragm and specialized muscles

What causes air to move into and out of a person lungs?

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When the diaphragm contracts it causes?


What is the muscle that causes you to breath?

That would be the diaphragm.

What causes Hiccupps?

something to do with your diaphragm muscle.

How does a diaphragm work?

The diaphragm is used to change the aperture diameter,same as shade.

How does a camera diaphragm work?

The diaphragm is used to change the aperture diameter,same as shade.

Which process causes the diaphragm to move back up?

Contraction of the diaphragm muscle causes it to move back up. When the diaphragm contracts, it flattens and moves downwards, increasing the volume in the thoracic cavity. This action creates negative pressure, sucking air into the lungs.

What nerve causes the diaphragm to contrct and initiate inhalation?

The phrenic nerve

What is a muscle that is associated with breathing?

The diaphragm. It is the only muscle that causes breathing.

What causes severe Hiccups in patients with temporary transvenous pacemakers?

due to contraction of the diaphragm indirectly as the electrical impulse spreads from the heart to the diaphragm.

What muscle contracts to cause a hiccup?

A hiccup is the movement of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is in the thoracic cavity just under the lungs. This organ helps to squeeze the lungs when you exhale in order to get all the air out of the lungs. Holding your breath causes the diaphragm to move downward and stop this movement. Hope this helps A RN in NJ