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The cause of the brain, neck, and spine damage that can result from shaken baby syndrome is brute force. The violent shaking of a baby by a much stronger adult conveys a tremendous amount of energy to the infant.

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Q: What causes the damage in shaken baby syndrome?
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Related questions

What is shakening baby syndrome?

"shaken baby syndrome" is when a baby is shaken in a violent motion that causes death or serious injury to the brain. Typically a child will have retinal bleeding, brain bleeding and brain swelling (which typically does the most damage).

Can a baby get shaken baby syndrome from earthquake?

No, shaken baby syndrome is caused by intentional shaking of an infant, typically by a caregiver. Earthquakes do not cause shaken baby syndrome.

What are other names for shaken baby syndrome?

Shaken baby syndrome is also known as abusive head trauma, shaken brain trauma, pediatric traumatic brain injury , whiplash shaken infant syndrome, and shaken impact syndrome.

What percentage of children diagnosed with Shaken Baby Syndrome do not suffer permanent damage?

The prognosis for children with shaken baby syndrome is usually poor. Twenty percent of cases result in death within the first few days. If an infant survives, he or she will most often be left with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Effects of shaken baby synbrom?

Baby's effect on shaken baby syndrome (a syndrome a baby receives when a parent shakes their baby out of frustration, anger, or annoyance) can cause the baby awful brain damage that is very painful and stays with them their whole life, can cause the baby damage to their neck, and spinal cord, and if done excessively, can cause death to baby.

When was Shaken baby syndrome first described?

Shaken baby syndrome was first described in medical literature in 1972

What kind of damage will a shaking incubator cause to my newborn baby?

The violent shake of the infant's head causes brain damage and, as a result, ... at preventing shaken baby syndrome increased knowledge of new mothers ... will undertake a $7 million statewide shaken baby prevention research project. ... Incubator Enables MRI Scans on Preemies for Preventing Birth ...

What is shaking baby syndrome?

It is not shaking baby it is shaken baby.

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is a cluster of serious injuries that occurs when an infant or child is shaken violently.?

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is a cluster of serious injuries that occurs when an infant or child is shaken violently. True

What are alterntive terms for battered child syndrome?

Alternative terms include: shaken baby; shaken baby syndrome; child abuse; and non-accidental trauma (NAT).

Can you shake your baby hard?

NO! That will kill it. It's called Shaken baby syndrome.

Would shaken Baby syndrome be a reason why a babies head is so big?

No in the first place a baby's head is disproportionately large if looked at by adult standards. shaking a baby may cause brain damage however it wont make a baby's head bigger then it is supposed to be. There are conditions where baby's and children have much bigger heads then normal but these have nothing to do with shaken baby syndrome.