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Itchy red bumps can be caused by many things. They could be an allergic reaction to something such as a new detergent or medication. They can also be caused by contact dermatitis, poison ivy, a reaction to sunlight, an illness, and bug bites.

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You didnt say where they are on the body. If they are on your face or neck then it could be Rosacea. Go to a dermatologist and have the doctor look at them.

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Q: What causes red bumps with puss bubbles on them that itch?
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What are these puss bumps?

See your Doctor.

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they are probably pimples

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What does it mean when you have bumps with puss on your private?

You're ill. Get to the doctors.

What are the colorless bumps on the face that turn red if you squeeze them and have puss in them?

Pimples. Lari_xox_173

What are the hard white bumps that break out like pimples on your chin but when you pop them a hard white thing comes out instead of puss?

Those are seeds that's are stuck in your pours . That's why it causes a bump.

Can puss bumps kill your fetus?

Are you asking if pimples can kill your fetus?? I'm pretty sure that's a resounding no. "pus bumps" are a minor skin condition at worst.

What are the bubbles on dogs ears?

If your dog has bubbles on his/her ears, it is most likely due to a buildup of blood or puss in the ear, which has to either be left alone or taken to a vet to be lanced.

What causes puss?

Puss is caused by an infection where the body is actively attempting to fight it off. This microscopic war results in massive amounts of dead bacteria and white blood cells which cause puss.

What does white bumps on the gums mean?

It could be an abscess with puss. The root of the tooth is infected and the puss is draining through the gums. You should see a dentist. He/She will give you some antibiotics or an extraction might be necessary.

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