

Best Answer

Weak muscles.
Protein deficiency can lead to weak muscles.

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Damaris Breitenberg

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2y ago
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Q: What causes protein deficiency?
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Related questions

What deficiency disease will you suffer if you do not get protein?

Protein deficiency.

The effects of protein deficiency?

check out this detailed list of adverse effect of protein deficiency in the body.

Protein what is protein S deficiency?

Protein S deficiency is associated with increased risk for venous thrombosis. This is a clotting disorder involving Vitamin K.

What are some diseases that are related to protein?

There are a few, such as, Protein S Deficiency, which is hereditary; also, Marasmic Kwashiorkor, Protein Energy Deficiency, Wrong protein unfolding, to name a few.

Why is dietary protein deficiency associated with increased susceptibility to infection?

Proteins play a crucial role in the immune system, including antibodies, cytokines, and immune cell production. A deficiency in dietary protein can weaken the immune response, making individuals more prone to infections. Additionally, protein deficiency can impair the body's ability to repair and regenerate immune tissues.

Marasmus usually is associated with a deficiency of?

Marasmus is caused by the deficiency of protein

What are nutrient deficiencies?

· Growing children require a lot of protein. Lack of protein will cause a disease known as kwashiorkor (stunted growth) vitamin function Effect of deficiency A· For growth and to promote healthy skin · for good vision at night · night blindness B · promotes the effective functioning of the nervous system · controls the supply of carbohydrates to the muscle and nerve cells · Beri-beri · Pellagra · anaemia C · increases immunity against diseases · promotes healthy skin · scurvy · anaemia D · helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the small intestines for the growth of strong bones and teeth · rickets · tooth decay E · maintains a healthy reproductive system · sterility K · necessary for the clotting of blood · blood slow to clot

What is protein deficiency?

Marasmus is generally the result of lack of carbohydrates and proteins; and Kwashiorkor is only protein deficiency. Marasmus is severe malnutrition characterized by carbohydrates and protein deficiency. Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency .

Doña Felisa is an elderly lady who has a deficiency of the hormone insulin which causes the deficiency disease?

A deficiency of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.

What are the signs of protein deficiency?


What is kwasiorkor?

It is disease caused by a deficiency of protein.

Is Transfer Factor a homoepathic medicine?

Transfer Factor is a homeopathic medicine aimed at the treatment of herpes. These are protein based and fight against the causes of immune deficiency.