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Q: What causes pinching feeling in lower right abdomen?
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Pinching feeling in pelvic area?

Could be a sign of pregnancy....if body is not hydrated enough you will feel pinching/burning sensation in lower pelvic. Placenta needs lots of water!

What are the causes of cramps in the lower abdomen?

If you tickel your gouch its goes away

What is a pulsating feeling in the lower right of the abdomen a constant come and go pulsating feeling?

It might be an aortic aneurysm and you should get it checked out

Can dull aching and a pulling pressure like feeling in the lower abdomen be a sign of pregnancy?


When do you start feeling pressure in lower abdomen during pregnancy?

2nd trimester- almost into 3rd

What can be causes of a painful cyst in the left lower abdomen?

it could be ur menstration.

What is causing the stabbing pain in your lower left side of your abdomen that works it way up your side if your 37 weeks pregnant?

It's most likely the baby pinching a nerve.. I've had this feeling for a loooong time and that's all the doctors can tell me. Try laying on your right side, sometimes that works for me.

What causes burning sensation in right lower abdomen?

kidney stone, pulled adhesions, infection

Heavy feeling in lower abdomen?

because you may have experienced tight clothing digging into your vulva area such as your clitoris and it as swollen and has inflamed.

Is feeling sleepy tired hungry and lower abdomen cramp sigins of early pregnancy?

It can be but take a test. I get that way before I get my period.

What part of the stomach is more vulnerable when getting hit-the upper abdomen or lower abdomen?

lower abdomen

Does occasionally feeling like hot fluid passing over lower abdomen means pregnancy sign as well?

No. Cramping in your lower abdomen is a good indication because your body is preparing for a baby to form. Hot fluid shouldn't happen. Your stomach is just upset.