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You could have a slipt disc in your lower back, they are very painful.

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Q: What causes pain in lower left side of back It hurts when I move?
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go to the hospital or your doctor to find out what is happening

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What does pain in the lower left quadrant o your back mean?

It is possible that pain in the lower left quadrant of your back is caused by a kidney stone, since kidneys are located on both the left and the right of the lower torso. But there are other possible causes as well. Many things can cause pain.

Lower left side back pain and left side abdomen?

If it hurts more with bending and twisting, it is most likely muscle-related. It it hurts when someone pushes on your abdomen, but not when you bend or twist, then it is more apt to be internal. There are hernias that can cause a bulging in the area you indicate, but I doubt that a hernia in the front-side of your abdomen would be a cause of back pain, unless you have more than one thing going on... If this continues, or begins to get worse, then I strongly suggest you be seen by your family doctor for possible Xrays, etc and surgical referral...

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What causes sharp left buttock and lower back pain there has been no back injury or strain?

Could be sciatica. You would need to have your doctor confirm this though.

Can Scoliosis cause upper left back and swelling?

It can I have mild scoliosis and I have noticed when my back hurts is when some of the swelling starts.