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There are so many things that could cause this. It can be a nerve issue that requires your neck to be popped, it could be a mild allergic reaction to a food or product you are using, it could be a mild case of herpes, or it could be a contact reaction to a texture (such as a man's stubble). It if is on-going see if you can relate it to anything you are doing/eating. If not, see if it relates to any tension in your neck. If the numbness come with a tingling sensation, and a slight redness then it could be herpes.

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12y ago
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9y ago

There can be many reasons why lips can go numb.

The main reason is that your lips have either drunk something cold (ex. iced water, ice cream, cold soft drinks, etc.)

Another reason may be that you have spent a large amount of time outside in cold weathers causing a numbness of lips or even a frostbite.

To help the numbness, I suggest you sit in front of a warm heater, change into warm clothes and try to drink and eat warm food and drinks.

(Ex. soup, hot cocoa, chowder, warmed chicken, etc.)

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14y ago

it means that you have probably had an allergic reaction to something........

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14y ago

i have no idea. i looked stuff up on Google and its a syptom to a few things. this is the 2nd my lip has been numb. im gonna go get it checked out, maybe you should to.

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15y ago

You are making out with a posionus jellyfish. Stop immediately

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15y ago

you bite on it to hard

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