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Pissing in a bottle and putting it in the fridge, YOU IDIOT

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10y ago

Urine temperature is the same as a person's body temperature. Low urine temperature, then, would be due to the urine sample cooling in a dish or bottle after being passed from the body.

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Q: What causes low urine temperature?
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What causes high urine temperature?

Urine is the same temperature as the body it leaves. If the person has a fever, the urine will be a higher temperature. This is why there is a temperature gauge on the outside of a sample bottle.

What causes urine temperature to be higher than 100?

The temperature of urine in the bladder is the same as the body's core temperature. A urine temperature of higher than 100 degrees is the same as a fever of 100, and is caused by infection, dehydration, or intense exercise.

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low temperature

Why is not passing a drug test because of low urine temperature?

Your urine was presumably stored at approximately 98.6 degrees before you put the sample in the cup. If the temperature is significantly lower, you probably stored the urine somewhere other than your bladder before you provided the sample.

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What causes a thermometer to show a low temperature?

A thermometer may show a low temperature if it is exposed to a cold environment or if there is a decrease in the surrounding temperature that it is measuring. It could also show a low reading if the thermometer is placed incorrectly or is malfunctioning.

What causes us to urinate?

Removal of waste liquids, like urine. Also to help keep body temperature constant.

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Potential causes of ketones in urine without glucose can include fasting or low carbohydrate diets, uncontrolled diabetes, alcoholism, or certain medical conditions like ketoacidosis or starvation.

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because they are at room temperature exists

Temperature of a baby's urine?

Everyone's urine is the same temperature as their body. Normal body temperature is 98.6.

If a child has a low temp 35.3c - ear drum what could be the cause?

A child with an eardrum temperature of 35.3c can have many causes. If this is a chronic issue, many diseases and disorders can cause the low temperature.

How does neurogenic shock affect body temperature?

Neurogenic Shock, which occurs when you injure your spinal cord, causes low temperature, a condition known as hypothermia.