There are several possible causes, ranging from infection to cancer. Unfortunately, in an older dog, cancer moves higher on the list of differential diagnoses.
I would suggest taking your dog to your veterinarian for an examination - for about $50 you should be able to get a good physical examination and possibly a fecal egg count as well, which should start narrowing down the possibilities.
infrequent bowel movements or narrow opening of the anus.
Laxative. It should be noted that ALL foods cause bowel movements! (Laxatives promote bowel motility which causes the fecal bolus (poop) to move more quickly through the GI tract).
Bacteria in the intestional tract.
Symptoms of a cramping stomach and vomiting when having a bowel movement should be addressed by a physician. This may be a stomach virus or it may have a more serious meaning and should be evaluated.
Bowel movements should not be clear. However, there may be mucous i the stool. This could be clear or white and foamy. If the mucous is the only symptom, it is likely nothing to worry about.
If you are asking if they have bowel movements, of course they do! ********* Yes, just not as often.
No, monsters cannot have bowel movements in Moshi Monsters.
Yes. No bowel movements is a bad sign for your intestines.
Ummm... I am not exactly sure, but I feel that you may have a problem.
I've heard of some women vomiting because of the dizziness. The dizziness is cause by the spike in your hormones during your period. Softer bowel movements are common, and the painful burning in your abdomen is referd to as the dreaded "cramps". Get yourself on birth control to regulate the cramps....welcome to womanhood. =)
If you can't have bowel movements, facial breakouts are the least of your worries.
The color of a puppy's bowel movements is typically dark brown. Occasionally a puppy's bowel will be a green or black color.