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14y ago

Possibly you ate something that had a lot of green it like spinach or salad greens.

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11y ago

It is probably due to some infection and will require investigation by your Doctor.

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That is a possible sign of infection.

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Q: What causes greenish bowel movements?
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infrequent bowel movements or narrow opening of the anus.

What is the word for a food that causes bowel movements?

Laxative. It should be noted that ALL foods cause bowel movements! (Laxatives promote bowel motility which causes the fecal bolus (poop) to move more quickly through the GI tract).

What causes sulfur smelling bowel movements?

Bacteria in the intestional tract.

What causes clear foamy bowel movements with lots of gas?

Bowel movements should not be clear. However, there may be mucous i the stool. This could be clear or white and foamy. If the mucous is the only symptom, it is likely nothing to worry about.

Do bulimics have bowel movements?

If you are asking if they have bowel movements, of course they do! ********* Yes, just not as often.

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No, monsters cannot have bowel movements in Moshi Monsters.

While on Parenteral nutrition do you have bowel movements?

Yes. No bowel movements is a bad sign for your intestines.

What causes bowel movements to be foamy and smell like vomit?

Ummm... I am not exactly sure, but I feel that you may have a problem.

When you can't have bowel movements will your face brake out?

If you can't have bowel movements, facial breakouts are the least of your worries.

Color of puppy bowel movements?

The color of a puppy's bowel movements is typically dark brown. Occasionally a puppy's bowel will be a green or black color.

Does regular bowel movements help clear your system of percocet?

Percocet is not eliminated through bowel movements. After stopping percocet, you may notice more frequent bowel movements as your body chemistry changes.

Can enlarged prostate cause trouble with bowel movements?

Yes, an enlarged prostate can sometimes constrict the urethra and lead to issues with urination, but it typically does not directly cause trouble with bowel movements. However, if an enlarged prostate is causing significant urinary symptoms, it may indirectly impact bowel movements due to discomfort or changes in sitting position while trying to urinate.