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This could be a sinus problem, or even a sinus infection. The pressure of the sinus congestion can definitely cause this type of pain. But since there are other causes of facial pain, you need to see your doctor of sinus medications don't help relieve the pain.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

if you bug it or keep picking your nose and if you eat something unusual

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Q: What causes face and nose bones to ache?
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What is nose ache?

A nose ache is a person who is being nosey i.e If you're in a different room from said person then they suddenly enter or poke their nose round the door, just to look at what you are doing, they are a nose ache. And so you should tell them so by saying to them "Nose ache". A typical response to being called a nose ache is silence and a swift exit.

How does skeleton look like?

A skeleton looks like just like your face, but with bones, much more features there are no 'eyeball bones" and there is a nose bone but there is no form of your nose, since that is cartilage.

What causes size changes of nose and ears when one ages?

your face gets smaller

How many bones are there in your nose?

There are three bones in your nose: the nasal bone, the frontal process of the maxilla, and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. These bones help to provide structure to the nose and support the nasal cavity.

Do you break your nose in boxing?

If hit at the right angle, any sport can break a player's nose if no face guard is used. Boxing has resulted in broken noses and other facial bones.

How High bridge nose?

cartilage The nasal bones make up the bridge of your nose. There are two small oblong bones, varying in size and form in different individuals; they are placed side by side at the middle and upper part of the face, and form, by their junction, "the bridge" of the nose.

Why is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long?

The length of the nose is limited by the anatomical structure of the human face, specifically the nasal bones and cartilage. The nose needs to be proportional to the rest of the face for functionality and aesthetics. Excessive length can also lead to breathing and health issues.

Do children have bones in their nose?

Yes, children have bones in their nose. The nasal bones are small and join together to form the bridge of the nose. The nose also contains cartilage, which gives it its shape and structure.

Is there bones in a dogs nose?


How many bones are in a human nose?

I was taught that the nose was only made of cartilage so as far as I know-- none

What bones make up the nose bones?

The bridge of the nose is called the nasal bone. It is constructed out of two different bones that are oblong shaped and can be larger in different people.