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Q: What causes cervical mucus to become viscous?
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Related questions

Which hormone causes the thinning of cervical mucus?

the thinning of the cervical mucus is due to the estrogen spike prior to ovulation. This is caused by the primary oocyte signaling the anterior pituitary gland that it has matured and is ready for release.

When you use a contraception shot is it the cervical mucus lining that causes your abdomen to look big?

No, the cervical mucus is of such small size that it cannot make your abdomen look big.

What is the hormone that makes the cervical mucus viscous?

Progesterone is the hormone that makes cervical mucus viscous, thick, and sticky, making it difficult for sperm to swim through the cervix. This helps prevent fertilization during certain times in a woman's menstrual cycle.

Does watery cervical mucus mean you are pregnant?

Although cervical mucus may become abundant in pregnancy due to the presence of hormones cervical mucus will not indicate whether you are pregnant or not. If your period is late you may test for pregnancy,otherwise it is impossible to predict whether you are pregnant or not.All the best and good luck!

What birth control pill alters cervical mucus?

All birth control pills alter cervical mucus. That is one of the mechanisms by which they prevent pregnancy -- the progestin thickens the cervical mucus.

Are you pregnant when cervical mucus stops a day after ovulation?

No, you often get excess cervical mucus when you are pregnant anyway

Is it ok that your cervical mucus is pink?

One of the reasons for cervical mucus to be pink is when there is implantation, that's what I know

Can you still have cervical mucus changes while on birth control?

You should not expect cyclic cervical mucus changes while on hormonal birth control. Hormonal birth control thickens the cervical mucus.

Is it normal to have cervical mucus everyday and not just before your period?

Yes. You have cervical mucus everyday and it also changes everyday.

Do your cervical mucus dry up at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

Cervical mucus should not dry up during pregnancy.

Are these cervical mucus bad for body?

no is not

What is the Synonyms for cervical mucus?
