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technicaly blood is like liquid raw skin so eventualy from air it will be cooling down thereby making it regular skin

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Q: What causes blood to clot and stop bleeding?
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Can you put cold compresses on a blood clot?

Yes,to stop the blood clot from bleeding.

When you accidentally cut your finger blood flows then later on the bleeding stop what makes the bleeding stop?

Normal people (those that are not hemophiliacs or on blood thinging medicines) have factors in their blood which causes it to clot (go solid) in the presence of enzymes relaeased by damaged tissue.

This blood part helps stop a cut from bleeding by working with the plasma to form a blood clot?

platlets form to stop the bleeding from a cut

Which part of the blood helps you to stop bleeding?

platelets and thrombocytes

What happesns when blood doesnt clot?

You will continue bleeding. It is dangerous if it will not stop. See a professional.

True or false The blood platelets help to stop bleedng and form a blood clot?

True. Blood platelets are essential in the process of coagulation, where they help stop bleeding by forming a blood clot at the site of injury.

When you accidentally cut your finger blood flows the later on the bleeding stops what makes the bleeding stop?

Normal people (those that are not hemophiliacs or on blood thinging medicines) have factors in their blood which causes it to clot (go solid) in the presence of enzymes relaeased by damaged tissue.

When accidentally cut your finger blood flows then later on the bleeding stops what makes the bleeding stop?

Normal people (those that are not hemophiliacs or on blood thinging medicines) have factors in their blood which causes it to clot (go solid) in the presence of enzymes relaeased by damaged tissue.

When you accidentally cut your finger blood flows then later on the bleeding stops what makes the bleeding stop?

Normal people (those that are not hemophiliacs or on blood thinging medicines) have factors in their blood which causes it to clot (go solid) in the presence of enzymes relaeased by damaged tissue.

What would happen to people who have an open wound and whose blood did not clot naturally?

People with an open wound and blood that does not clot naturally may experience excessive bleeding that does not stop on its own. This condition, known as a bleeding disorder, usually requires medical intervention such as medications or transfusions to help the blood clot and stop the bleeding. Without treatment, individuals may be at risk of severe blood loss and complications.

What part of the blood helps you to stop bleeding?

Platelets make the blood thicken, or clot, to keep you from bleeding to much.

What are the jobs of platelets?

They're job is to clot together when blood is leaking out of the body to stop the bleeding.