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if you receive B blood allele from both parents then the blood type is BB, which is B positive. B negative would be B0 where one parent donates B allele and the other 0. Its all the great wonders of genetics. You see, parents pass on traits from themselves to their children. In the case of blood type, each parent has 2 alleles, but they can only donate 1. So the child's blood type is then reflective of both parents. So if one parent was B0 and the other was AB. The first parent can donate B or 0, while the second can donate A or B. The child can have any combination of them but must receive one from each parent. So AB, BB, B0, and A0 are the possible combinations for these parents. Crazy stuff

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Q: What causes b plus blood type?
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Can blood type 0 plus and blood type b plus have a?

Yes, a person with blood type O+ can receive blood from a donor with blood type B+. However, they can only donate blood to someone with the same blood type.

What is your could your blood type be id your parents are b plus and a plus?

AB+ B+ or A+

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What would be the blood type of the child if the mother is B plus and the father is A plus?

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Can a o plus blood type girl bear child for a b plus blood type man.?

From what I know yes, they can

What will the result of O- blood plus B?

For a transfusion - blood type O can donate to blood type B. However, blood type O cannot except B-type blood. For offspring, with one O parent and one B parent - the child could be blood type O or B depending on the genotype of the parent with B-type blood.

Can a child with B plus blood have an O plus father?

Yes, as long as the mother has B in her blood type (either B or AB), the father can have O.

What blood type will your son father have if the mother is o plus and the child is o plus?

The father's blood type can be O, A, or B.

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What type of blood can B plus receive?

B positive and O positive

Can parent with O plus and B- have child with B- blood?

Yes, parents with O+ and B- can have a child with B- blood. Their children may be type O or type B, and may have Rh negative or positive blood types.

Can a baby be born with blood type 0 plus if one parent is B plus?

Yes the baby can be type O because the father was heterozygous for his type B positive.