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Normally when vomiting the material is expelled from the body, but sometimes, material remains in the mouth or throat preventing the person from breathing. This normally ony happens if the person is unconcious or otherwise uanble to move at the time.

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When she or he eats to much or their pregnant or they did a stupid thing like sticking their finger down their throat and if their sick and have stomach problems .

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Q: What causes a person to choke on vomit?
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Why is it dangerous for an anesthetized patient to vomit?

They can aspirate the vomit and choke or suffocate..

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What can happen if you vomit in sleep?

you choke and die.

What can cause a person to vomit in their sleep and choke?

Smoking, heavy alcohol use, lung diseases such as emphysema, and an inherited tendency toward a narrowed airway and throat all increase the risk of choking during sleep.

Is it possible for someone to choke on their own vomit?

yes it is possible coming from a real docter

What happens if you give a cat anaesthetic after it has eaten?

It will throw up will it is under anaesthetic and if it has eaten, it will choke on its food, but if it does not eat, there will be nothing in the vomit to choke the cat.

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If you take more pills than you are required to and if your body cannot handle it you may overdose. It is also possible while you are sleeping and if you happen to vomit while lying on your back, chances are you could choke on your own vomit. This is because when you are on your back and you vomit, as it comes out it is going right back down your throat because you are lying on your back.

Why emetics not given to unconscious patient?

Because - an emetic is given to force the patient vomit. If given to an unconscious patient - the patient could choke if the vomit enters the airway.

What would happen if you ate before an anesthetic procedure?

You could choke on your own vomit causing death.

When you have tooth pull before surgery why you cant drink after midnight?

The practice of "nil by mouth" (i.e no eating or drinking for a few hours before surgery) is to prevent the possibility of a person vomiting whilst under sedation and then chocking on their own vomit. (Same situation as trying to make sure that a very drunken person does not choke on their own vomit in their sleep).

Can a 13 year old child choke on his vomit while asleep and with no alteration of consciousness?

Sad to say,but YES

What would make a person vomit?

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