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Contact dermatitis-irritation of the skin caused by contact with a foreign substance. Substances that cause contact dermatitis in many people include "poisonous" plants such as poison ivy, certain foods, some metals, cleaning solutions, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes, industrial chemicals, and latex rubber. Check out WebMD for more.

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12y ago

It may be they aftershave or the perfume you use. Also it could be the bubble bath you use (if you do use some). Another suggestion is body cream, you could be allergic to these without knowing and the rash may have been building up for a while without you noticing. If it does not go away soon enough you could go and see a doctor as they will be able to give you a prescription to what you need to cure it. Good Luck! <3

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Could be a yeast overgrowth - try a Probiotic supplement two times a day during meals.

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from a spider bite and a musketo bite and and ich you kept scraching

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because u just do.

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Q: What causes a neck rash?
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Can your sofa cause a rash on your neck and face?

yes , there is a virus in it called stecockkus (spelt incorrectky) that causes itch

Could drinking alcohol cause red neck rash?

No - but it can cause you to act like a rash red-neck...

What is a rash found only in my neck creases?

It could be heat rash from sweating.

What causes neck and chest rash?

where do you live in what area....Get a lyme disease test or maybe you have hives and allergic to something you ate or did or brushed up against..

What causes redness around neck?

Heat rash is what sounds like you have. characterized by clusters of small red dots or pimples and itchy or prickly skin. It's also known as "prickly heat" or "miliaria" and is very common in and children, but adults get it, too. Symptoms are easy to recognize and usually clear up within a few days.

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What does the rash look like when you transfer cold sores from your face to your neck?

You're not likely to pass cold sores from your face to your neck. Cold sores like to transfer from a wet place like the mouth to another wet place like the genitals or eyes. The rash on your neck could be a sweat rash or a bacterial infection.

Can Herbalife products give you a rash?

Yes! There are ingredients that can give you a rash around the neck &amp; forehead if you use a lot and constantly.

Would penicillin cause a rash on your neck?

Some people are allergic to penicillin and can develop a rash, or more serious problems.

Does bio oil cause rash?

I bought a bottle of Bio-oil recentlyafter wanting to try it for years,and although I can use it on my face,it causes an intensely itchy rash on my neck,which the doctor has identified as eczema!I have never suffered from this in my life before,so have to assume it is the oil,as when I stop using it on my neck,the rash disappears,so it leaves no doubt in my mind it is the Bio oil,which is a shame,as I love it,the scent,and the feel of it on my skin,but it actually makes my whole body itch,although the rash only appears on my neck,so I wont be buying any more,and will stick to grapeseed oil,or sweet almond oil in future.

Rash on my neck and it's so itchy that i have actually itched a hole in my neck?

it is impossible to actually scratch a hole in your neck. go to the doctor to see what cream they have for that.

What causes rash in the face?

its what you are always sneenze about