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many might say its caused by smoking which can be true sometimes but I would say by genetics if u understand where im coming from. a trait tht ur parents or ur ancestor had might of been passed on. a cool fact I learned in college is ur gum can get darker if ur exposed to sunlight alot and just like ur skin gets darker, ur gum will to only if u open ur mouth out doors but as a child's gum gets dark, it tends to stay tht way and poor hygene(smokimg wouldn't help in preventing blk gumz) there are oral diseases out,in this wrld tht would cause ur mouth,rather, to turn different colors, mainly what ever u ingest, because of all of the bacteria and plaque in the mouth. sometimes the food would decay in the mouth, cause extreme breath and strait up nastiness. I actually kno a person who has the same piece of broccoli between his teeth for a good 2weeks and tht broccoli is now blk and nasty lookin. world knows how he is imune to those toxins well,thts enough typing grossed myself out alittle

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13y ago
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10y ago

Plaque buildup or a bad tooth can cause the gums to change color. Although some dogs especially with dark pigment in their skin may develop black pigment in their gums which is totally normal.

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10y ago

Your dog is healthy if they have black gums. Healthy gums of a dog can be pink, black, or spotted.

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Is your dog sick if his gums are turning black?

no its natural for a dogs gums to turn black some times they are born like that if it turns any other color other than pink or black then you have a problem then you should see your pets veterianarian ASAP.

Why do you have black gums?

Some dogs naturally have black gums, or gums with black spots. However, if a dog's gums suddenly turn black, this could be an indicator of illness and a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

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Gums may turn white because there is a lack of blood flow. This can cause numbness as well. Gums can also turn white due to gum disease.

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Cierra Randolph was on persons answer Another answer is the cause is a severe lack of vitimn C. It causes teeth to turn black and gums to recede and cause severe pain. That is why vitimn c is in everything (ascorbic acid) like candy and processed foods~

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