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Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or fully relax while sleeping.

Insomnia is generally caused by either:

  • psychological causes - depression, anxiety, stress
  • physical causes - decreased melatonin, medical conditions, pain, genetics, other sleep disorders

It can also be caused by an irregular lifestyle and sleeping habits. The body will vary from its normal rhythm but will often return to it when a normal schedule is adopted again.

Irregularities can result from:

  • hospitalization
  • pregnancy
  • night jobs and other shift work
  • jet lag
  • anything that prevents a full, uninterrupted period of sleep at night
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4y ago

There is no one exact answer to what causes insomnia. It could be many factors such as stress, anxiety, depression or even not having a comfortable bed and pillow. There are many home remedies for insomnia that you can try. Ashwagandha supplement is a really effective way to curb stress and cure insomnia. You can also try camomile tea just before sleeping. It releases antioxidants and helps you sleep better.

You can also try exercising before going to bed. If nothing works, you can always head over to LivAyur website and get more insight into how you can sleep better.

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11y ago

sound pollution causes insomnia

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Can malaria cause insomnia?

Yes, insomnia is a symptom of malaria. In a study 69% of patients with malaria complained of insomnia. More common symptoms are fever and sweats.

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Is insomnia a side effect of tetanus vaccination?

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