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According to WebMD, yes:

"Oral cancer may develop in any part of the mouth. Risk factors for oral cancer include smoking or chewing tobacco and excessive use of alcohol."

Please see for more information or consult a physician.

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16y ago


Head and neck cancer (mouth, pharynx etc.)


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15y ago

Liver disease is the most prominent problem of heavy alcohol consumption. Cancer of the liver or kidneys is most highly correlated with heavy alcohol consumption.

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Who is usually not at risk of developing long-term health problems related to alcohol?

adults over 21 who use alcohol responsibly

In 2012 did the number of alcohol related fatalities in the US increase over the previous year's number?

In 2012, alcohol-related fatalities in the US decreased from the previous year's number.

How tropic of cancer is related to the tilt of the earth axis?

At the moment of the June solstice, the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer. It's the farthest north that the sun is ever directly over.

What types of cancer can you get from alcohol?

Alcohol consumption has been identified as a risk factor for several types of cancer. While the exact mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to cancer development are not fully understood, research suggests that chronic alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing certain cancers. Here are some of the types of cancer associated with alcohol consumption: Head and Neck Cancer: Alcohol consumption, particularly heavy drinking, is a major risk factor for cancers of the head and neck region, including cancers of the mouth, throat (pharynx), larynx, and esophagus. Chronic alcohol exposure can irritate and damage the lining of the upper digestive tract, increasing the risk of cancerous changes. Liver Cancer: Chronic alcohol consumption is strongly associated with an increased risk of liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma. Alcohol-related liver damage, including cirrhosis and inflammation (hepatitis), can promote the development of cancerous tumors within the liver. Breast Cancer: Alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in women. Even moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with a higher risk of breast cancer, with risk increasing with greater levels of alcohol intake. The exact mechanisms by which alcohol affects breast cancer risk are complex and may involve hormonal changes, increased estrogen levels, and oxidative stress. Colorectal Cancer: Alcohol consumption has been identified as a risk factor for colorectal cancer, which includes cancers of the colon and rectum. Heavy alcohol consumption, particularly over a long period of time, can promote inflammation and damage to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the development of cancerous lesions. Stomach Cancer: Chronic alcohol consumption has been associated with an increased risk of stomach (gastric) cancer. Alcohol may contribute to stomach cancer development through its corrosive effects on the stomach lining, as well as its potential to increase the production of stomach acid and promote inflammation. Pancreatic Cancer: Alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, although the association is less well-established compared to other cancers. Chronic alcohol consumption may contribute to pancreatic cancer development through mechanisms such as pancreatic inflammation and oxidative stress. It's important to note that individual risk factors for cancer can vary depending on factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, and overall health status. While alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for certain types of cancer, it is not the sole determinant of cancer risk, and other factors such as smoking, diet, physical activity, and family history also play important roles. To reduce the risk of alcohol-related cancers, it is recommended to consume alcohol in moderation or abstain from alcohol altogether. For individuals who choose to drink alcohol, moderation is key, with guidelines typically recommending no more than one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and avoidance of tobacco products, can further reduce the risk of cancer and promote overall health and well-being. Regular screening and early detection are also important for identifying and treating cancer at an early stage when treatment is most effective.

What is the economic impact of alcoholism?

Alcohol costs the United States over $150 billion yearly in lost productivity and alcohol related medical expense.

What diseases do you get when you are abusing alcohol?

Abusing alcohol over a period of years, especially when combined with smoking, raises the risk of developing throat cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and several other physical problems.

In 2012 the number of alcohol related fatalities in the US increased over the previous year's number?


In 2012 the number of alcohol related fatalities in the US increased over the previous year's number.?


How does alcohol cause liver disease?

Drinking alcohol abusively over a period of decades has been implicated statistically with the development of liver cancer. Interestingly, cancer is much more likely to develop after an alcohol abuser stops drinking. That's because it is during the period that the liver is rapidly regenerating that abnormal cells are more likely to develop.

How many people died in 2006 from alcohol related accidents in England?

It ranges from 5,000 to 40,000 people that die in alcohol related accidents in England. They are anywhere from driving accidents, over doses, and problems with long term drinking.

What are the major causes of throat cancer?

The major causes of throat cancer are HPV, tabacco use, age over 50 years, alcohol abuse, diet low in fruits and vegetables, risky behaviors, and male gender.

How many people die alcohol each year?

The misuse of alcohol causes many deaths per year worldwide. Between alcohol related illness and accidents, over three million people die per year.