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There is absolutely nothing that you can eat or do to make your first period come any sooner than it would naturally. You will only start to menstruate once you reach a point where your body is mature enough to start ovulating, you can no more speed-up your development in this area that you could force your body to grow an extra foot overnight. Your periods start when your body is ready, there's no way to force things to move along faster.

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Red monochoria. It helps with pains and gets your period back on track.

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Nothing you eat will have that effect. Hormones control this.

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Q: What can you eat to make your period come faster?
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There is nothing that you can eat to cause your periods to start any sooner than what they would do naturally. Everyone develops at a different time and there is no way to make your body develop faster or start your periods sooner.

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Eat a handful of parsley. It tastes gross but it will make your period come almost overnight if it's running a little late. You can try soy products like tofu and soy milk if you raise your estrogen, it may bring on your menses.

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Can bananas make you have your period?

Yes, eat a banana a day and she will have her period within 30 days.

How can you help make your period come sooner?

You can't make your period come sooner. However, if you eat right and cut down on junk food, you will become healthy and more fit. To get your period, you have to be a certain weight, most doctors recomend 90-105LBS. It's normal for girls to get it at ages 9-15 years old. All the answers are in the book,"The Care And Keeping Of You." get it at the American Girl Library!!