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Natural way just helping at hand, it wont work if your body isnt ready. Recommended if you already at 38 weeks, before that it will do nothing or will not work. You must do your own way before trying it, to know the risk and taking correct ammount and not to overstrain yourself with labor inducing activity. There are about 40 natural ways of inducing labor. I will explan some that most exciting, for the rest, you can search on the internet. 1. Bouncing your body at birth or exercise ball-spreadi ng you legs and move up down will help your baby move down. 2. Bumpy car ride- sometimes your baby need jiggle. 3. Dancing - but dont do too drastic. 4. Massage - find therapist that qualified with pregnant woman. many of them know the good spot to induce labor. 5. Nipple stimulation - needs to be done about an hour at a time. 6. Orgasm - orgasm cause contraction for your uterus. in some parts it feels so good. you can do it by having sex or anyway safe. many women prefer this way :D 7. Spicy food - it is a very well known labor starter. 8. Sperm - not to eat! you can having sex and let the sperm moving to help ripen and dilate your servix. This is very good starts toward getting ready for labor. That just the common enjoyable way of inducing labor. There are another way like accupressur, castor oil, rasberry leaf and etc that worth to try. But dont worry if natural ways not give any effect. at the end your doctor will do it chemically or mechanically for you :)

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12y ago
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12y ago

Homeopathy is the treatment of medical conditions with potentised substance.

To induce labor try taking a spoonful of castor oil. Who's to say it is scientifically proven, but I believe this age old wise tale actually works. A best friend of mine wanted to induce labor and upon hearing this tried it later that night. Within hours she started having contractions. Her baby was born the following day.

WRT to castor oil: castor oil is a natural medication. It is not homeopathy.

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16y ago

Having sex can help bring on labor.

Walk around Castor oil, swalloed, yucky, but supposedly works. Raspberry tea and sex are other "remedies" to bring on labor. Nipple Stimuation is another "remedy." Stimulating nipples releases oxytocin, which is the natural form of pitocin. Oxytocin causes contractions, which sometimes evolve into labor. Many doctors recommend avoiding this as it may lead to excessively long uterine contractions. Strip the membranes: You can have your doctor insert her finger into your cervix and sweep the amniotic membranes. This process is supposed to release hormones that help bring about labor.

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13y ago

Walking, having sex and eating spicy food are some ways that might help but usually the body starts when it's ready.

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