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Although you can't stop them, relief is quite simple. Try drinking more fluids, and a pimple cream that works really well for me is Velocity. Try their facial clenser in the shower, and they should clear up alittle.

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13y ago

Well you can try clearasil or proactive or even anti-acne soap by Neutrogena.

I suggest buying products from Neutrogena as they are very effective, i had a terrible breakout last year until i bought a bar of facial soap that was made by them and with in 3 days i saw a HUGE reduction in acne

i use it to control acne to prevent breakouts


Part of the issue is probably your age--most of us inherit the tendency to have acne in our teens. Besides visiting a dermatologist, you can help keep your skin clean--the trick is not the soap, but in washing your face without a washcloth (scrubbing makes it worse!) and rinsing it for a minute or so after. Washing or rinsing your face frequently throughout the day helps your pores cope. Aloe gel on the pimples will help them heal without drying out your skin. Wash your hair daily and avoid styles where the hair must be moved off of your face. The less your hands are on your face, the better.

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