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Make a doctors appointment

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Q: What can you do for severe testicular pain and swelling that has been an issue for five days?
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What is it when you have sore testis after having mumps?

This testicular inflammation is generally one-sided (both testicles are swollen in 15–30% of mumps orchitis cases and typically occurs about 10 days after the parotid gland. Testicular swelling has been documented as late as six weeks after parotid gland swelling. Decreased fertility is an uncommon consequence of testicular inflammation from mumps and infertility is rare.

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Wedgies can be dangerous, particularly to males. When done to severely, wedgies can cause severe testicular or scrotal damage. There have been cases where children have needed surgery to reattach a testicle to the scrotum as a result of a wedgie.

Is fazer from n dubz been diagnosed with cancer?

Yes , he has been diagnosed with testicular cancer.

How much has the incidence of testicular cancer increased since 1970?

The incidence of testicular cancer has been rising in the developed countries at a rate of about 2% per year since 1970.

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I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years he had a testicular artery injury and got it fixed What is the chance that he will be infertile?

Only his doctor can answer this.

Insect bite Vietnam - continuous puss flowing swelling bruisinf discomfort but no serious pain It's been a day and a half of constant puss and three days since the bite?

Since it has been three days since the insect bite, it sounds like the symptoms are severe. With the material constantly coming out of the wound, as well as the swelling and bruising the bite should be evaluated by a doctor to prevent serious complications.

What alternate treatments exist for males with testicular cancer?

There are currently no scientifically proven alternative treatments known for testicular cancer. Nothing has been shown to be as successful as conventional treatment. However, some patients may find certain alternative or.

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Oxycodone is a strong pain medication. How well oxycodone works depends on what issue the drug is used for. Oxycodone has been used to treat moderate to severe pain since 1917.

Is it safe to use somogel for mouth ulcer in pregnancy?

I am 11 weeks pregnant! My gums got severe swelling. I don't know what was the reason as I have never had any gum problems! It was so painful for me to eat anything. I consulted my doctor and she recommended to use somo gel! I have been using it for 2 days and now I'm in less pain and the swelling is going away!

Why do you have a puffed lip stud piercing?

Do you mean that its swollen? If its new, swelling is just part of the healing process. If its older, you might have hit or maybe you've been around sick people and the piercing is just irritated. Just soak it in warm water and maybe suck on some ice. Swelling isnt a major issue unless you're stud gets "swallowed" by the swelling. If the stud gets really tight and nothings helping with the swelling, either switch out to a longer bar (if its old) or go to your piercer for them to switch it out for you.

Are sumac plants poisionous to goats?

Toxicodendron succedaneum (Japanese wax tree, Scarlet rhus or Sumach) is moderately palatable to goats and has no known toxicity risk but it has been known to cause cases of severe dermatitis and facial swelling in people.