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The best way to cure a stomach ache is to lay down on your stomach for a while. This may not help, and if it doesn't, see if you have to use the bathroom or throw up. If you can't do it, try to take medicine. The best stomach curer is Pepto Bismol. It is found in Rite Aid. It WILL cure your stomach. After taking Pepto Bismol, try to lay down for a little bit until your stomach gets well again.

Here are some things you might of done to get your stomach ache:

You ate junk food

You got playful and hyper

You drank junk drinks

You ate or drank too much

You ate or drank too fast

B: The best way to help a stomache is to do these following things in order:

  • Lay down on the floor
  • Have someone rub your back
  • Drink a small portion of water
  • Lay back down

If your stomache is still hurting do these following things in order:

  • Make bed on the floor only including 2 blankets
  • Lay with a thin small pillow
  • Once every 5 minutes take a gulp of cold water

If your stomach still hurts by dawn; Do these things:

  • Sleep on that pallet
  • Take a advil

By the time you have done all these and all have not worked properly and your stomach still hurts... Consider a doctor!

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10y ago
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15y ago

Simple Herbal Stomach Ache Remedy: • Put 1⁄2 ounce of dried catnip leaves and 1⁄2 ounce of fennel seeds into a quart jar. • Cover with boiling water and let it steep for at least 4 hours. • Strain and offer warm or at room temperature (depending on your child's preference) in 1⁄2 cup doses as needed. (If you need something quicker, make extra and offer some after 20 minutes of steeping. It will just get more potent with time.) Chamomile tea is another good stomach ache remedy. Just steep for 20 minutes rather than four hours as this is a stronger tasting herb. Chamomile is very calming as well as soothing, so it would be a great tea to support a child who is dealing with nervousness or fears. Peppermint tea (again steeped for about 20 minutes) is a good stomach ache remedy for older children and adults. This is a great remedy if the stomach ache is due to overeating or other food issues. You can vary the amounts and combinations of herbs as you like to create a tea that your child enjoys drinking and that works as an effective stomach ache remedy for your child.

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11y ago

There are many different possible causes of a stomach ache, and therefore, many possible cures, however, try some Pepto-Bismol and see if it helps. If it doesn't, you may need to be examined by a doctor.

If you believe your stomach ache is from eating a large meal, try drinking some hot tea--any flavor. The warmth will calm your stomach. Taking a walk after a large meal may help relieve gas, which will make you feel better. Still, if you have sharp pains, see a Dr.

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12y ago

Normally I drink Coke, it really works for me, and i have chicken noodle soup and toast.... some say Ginger Ale is good too, well thats because it is, but coke works better for me.

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11y ago

You should drink guava juice it helps and will not taste bad is sweet and healthy!Alternately, try some Pepto-Bismol.

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12y ago

Mint and ginger

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15y ago


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