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One thing you can do is monitor your diet - no caffeine, no tomatoes, or anything that contains either of these (including chocolate, coffee, strong tea, cola, some painkillers, Pizza, pasta sauces - except tomato-free, like carbonara). Yes, that's an awful lot of foods you have to stay off especially if you don't tend to do your own cooking from scratch, but after a couple of weeks - no hot flashes, no night sweats. It is definitely worth it if you don't want to be swallowing HRT hormones forever! Another thing you can do is take large quantities of fish oil, 6,000 to 8,000 milligrams per day. Try salmon oil, which tastes better than regular fish oil, and take it with a meal. This can definitely cut down on the number and intensity of hot flashes you experience.

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Q: What can you do about hot flushes?
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What is the plural of flush?

The plural of flush is flushes. As in "he had the hot flushes".

Can hot flushes be caused by too much potassium?

Hot flushes are not typically caused by too much potassium in the body. Hot flushes are commonly associated with hormonal changes during menopause, certain medications, or medical conditions. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation if you are experiencing hot flushes.

Are hot flushes a sign of implantation or early pregnancy?

yes it can be as implantation causes lot of hormones to go up-down which results in hot flushes.

What are flushes?

If you get flushes these are when you go from one feeling to another. boiling hot one minuite then freezing another.

What are hot flushes a symptom of?

Hot flushes, or night sweats, could be caused by various things. Some probable causes are: reduced estrogen levels, changes in the hypothalamus region and a heavy fever.

What is Cetirizine Hydrochloride Oral tablet used for?

is it used for hot flushes or nite sweats

Do taking pregna-care stop hot-flushes?

No it isnt, you can take menovital or menopace

What is there to take for men who have hot flushes to relieve these hot flushes?

One thing a man can help his hot flashes, is testosterone replacement(when men get hot flashes it comes when hormones get low). There is some natural suppliments, black cohosh, soy, wild yams. Also B6 vitamin, or a B complex vitamin can help.

How does Aunt Alexandra act after the case in To Kill a Mockingbird?

She has hot flushes and feels very strongly for the judge.

Does liquorice cause menopausal flushes?

Quite the opposite, licorice contains phytoestrogens to alleviate hot flashes.

Are hot flushes dangerous?

Not really, but if they are bothering you or are coupled with other symptoms i would go and see your Doctor.

What is wrong with your body when you get hot flushes?

You are most probably coming down with somethingcoldflumuscle migrainesor you have to much body water