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Q: What can transmit Ecoli to humans?
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What benefits does Ecoli provide to humans and mammals?

E coli has no benefit at all for any animals.

When there is million and billions of E. coli in your intestine then y you r looking for E. coli free water?

The reason is that Certain types of ecoli are deadly to humans and these are easily passed on from one person to another and can end up in the water supply in certain places. The ecoli that is dangerous to humans originally comes from certain animals. these can be harm-full to humans and can also be passed fro human to human. they are not to be confused with the ecoli that are a natural part of our system. the dangerous ecoli are most likely to affect the sick , children, the elderly and people with imune deficiency.

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if we use genetic engerring transmit those genes of birds which have message wings formation then these genes are transmit in humans

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How do dogs bats and raccoons transmit disease to humans?

They transmit diseases mainly through bites.

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they transmit deseases to humans

Can house bunnies transmit disease to humans?

yes they can

What disease can bees transmit to humans?

There aren't any diseases that can be transmitted from bees to humans.

Can animals transmit syphylis?

No, syphilis is found and spread in humans.

How does Ecoli poising occur?

When a product has the Ecoli bacteria and you consume it.

Can fox squirrels transmit rabies to humans?

Such a big animal can easily transmit the rabies to you. You need to take complete immunization for rabies.

What form of mite can transmit scrub typhus?

Rickettsia tsutsugamushi. The larva is the only stage that can transmit the disease to humans and other vertebrates.